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    Click the image above for more information on our Little Blackhawks Program!

    Register today and get free gear as a part of your registration!

    First time Ignition registrants are free! Don't have gear? You can rent it from the Komets!

      Ice Rental

      Are you looking to rent ice?  Please email the ice scheduler at to see what is available. 

      Important Dates

      December 18 Raffle Tickets and Funds Due
      December 21 Annual Alumni Game/ Birdie Leitza Hockey Grant Fundraiser
      December 21 Annual Cash Raffle Ticket Winners Announced at 8:00pm
      December 31 Komets New Years Eve Open Skate


      Advertising and Fundraising Opportunities


      If anyone is interested in refereeing games for the 2024-2025 season, please contact Dan Madrigrano ASAP. He will need your contact information and certifications before you can start signing up for games.